Frontside Grind Monthly

Rob Meronek

One time I picked up this magazine called Juice. All I can remember thinking is, “They should call this Frontside Grind Magazine.” So, I started my own magazine, and it’s nothing but cover shots of totally epic-gnar frontside grinds, bro. I have finally figured out the secret to a photography career: aim low. Like, at the coping.

The What’s Up Column at chronicles everything that goes on here at SPoT and the other events we do around the world through SPoTlight Productions, our skateboarding events company. It’s also littered with opinions on random things in skateboarding and other adventures from our travels like nightlife and plain old tourist sightseeing. Occasionally, there’s even some skate business talk and industry banter and news. It’s primarily written by me, Rob Meronek, skating for 20+ years and working at the Park full time since 2001.

In January 2010, I started taking some of my posts to the website and putting them in print.

Publications in Frontside Grind Monthly

1 Publication

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